Not-So-Basic B*tch Toast

Not-So-Basic B*tch Toast

Ingredients List

Simple Step-By-Step

  1. Assemble yo ingredients and toast yo bread! 
  2. In a small bowl, whisk together lemon juice and Avo oil. Add Arugula and toss, then season with salt and pepper to taste. Set aside.
  3. Bring a non-stick saute pan to medium high heat to fry off your eggs. Cook and season eggs to your liking. (I LOVE the eggs poached or over easy, but soft scramble is SUPER tasty too!)
  4. Once toast and eggs are cooked, it is assembly time!
    Assembly Order:
    — Toast
    — Red Pepper Schmear
    — Arugula Salad
    — Eggs
    — Pickled Reds
  5. FEAST!